作者: 来源: 上传时间:2005-02-04
The Bear and the Two Travelers. Two men were traveling together when they saw a bear.One of them quickly climbed to a tree. The other man was not quick enough, so he just lay on the ground pretending to be dead. The Bear sniffed all over him, decided it was a dead body, so the bear went away. The man on the tree got down now, asked his friend on the ground jokingly:” What did the bear Whisper in your ears?” The man answered :” The bear gave me a good advice: Never go out with friends who will desert you in danger.”
Misfortune tests sincerity of friends.
The pig, the sheep and the Goat
A pig, a sheep and a goat were all penned up together. Once the shepherd laid his hand on the pig. The pig was screaming and squeaking violently. The sheep and the goat complained to him:” the shepherd has always handled us, we never cry out like you do.” The pig answered:” He catches you only for your wool or your milk, but when he come for me, he is taking my very life!”
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