幼儿园小班英语教案:Slowly and Fast
作者: 来源: 上传时间:2013-12-18
一、Sing a song “Clap Your Hands”
1、T:Great!sit down please.Look at me(教师先慢后快拍手)Look again (边拍边说)slowly slowly slowly , fast fast fast stop!follow me.
2、T:Now,look at my hands. Touch shoulders(边说边做)slowly slowly slowly , fast fast fast stop!follow me.(师生共同做)
3、T:Look at my hands(绕手臂)Can you?Lets do it together. xx, very good.Come here, please.please do it for us.(在孩子做的同时教师在旁说) slowly slowly slowly,wonderful! Look at me, fast fast fast(快速绕手臂)follow me. fast fast fast slowly slowly slowly,very good!
1、学习run slowly 、run fast
T:Now,close your eyes slowly(拿出布袋)open your eyes fast. Look , I have a bag.Guess, whats in it?(让幼儿充分猜)Let me touch it,(把手伸入布袋中)touch touch (拿出dog )whats this?
T:It’s a dog.dog dog run run run .stand up,please . follow me .run run run .Sit down please.Look at me,run slowly slowly slowly fast fast fast stop.Stand up follow me..say it after me .(鼓励幼儿跟说)
2、通过玩具兔学习jump slowly 、jump fast (方法同上增加个别幼儿练习的机会)
3、通过玩具鸭子学习swim slowly、swim fast (方法同上增加教师说幼儿做的练习)
T:Today you all did very well.Now Lets go out and play with dog rabbit and duck.Stand up please follow me.(把玩具给个别幼儿抱好,师生共同听音乐离开活动室)
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