作者: 来源: 上传时间:2013-12-17
点击进入,剧本对应童话剧表演视频>> 《三只蝴蝶》
(四朵花出场)one little two little three little flowers,four little five little six little flowers,seven little eight little nine little flowers, ten flowers here we are !
红花:Hello ,I am red flower,
黄花:I am yellow flower
蓝花:I am blue flower
五色花:I am colorful flower .
(太阳公公出场)I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha ha , I am laughing ha ha ha, I am laughing ha ha ha ,
太阳:Hello , flowers , good morning .
合:Hello grandpa sun , good morning .
太阳公公:Are you happy today?
合:Yes ,we are happy !(找各自的位置)
(三只蝴蝶出场) you are my sunshine ,my only sunshine, you make me happy , when skies are gray , you have konw dear, how much I love you ,please don’t take my sunshine away !
红蝴蝶:Hello I am red butterfly
黄蝴蝶:Hello I am yellow butterfly
蓝蝴蝶:Hello I am blue butterfly.
合:We are good friends
红蝴蝶:What a beautiful day !
黄蝴蝶:Look ! many beautiful flowers !
蓝蝴蝶:Let’s play there ,ok ?
合:Ok !
背景音乐响起(2B《The butterfly》),蝴蝶在花丛中飞来飞去,突然雷声响起。。。。。。太阳公公下,乌云上,然后雨上
红蝴蝶:Oh ,it is going to rain ,
黄蝴蝶:Where shall we hide ?
蓝蝴蝶:We can hide behind the flower
红蝴蝶:Red flower , red flower , can we hide here ?
红花:Red butterfly come in ,yellow and blue butterfly go away .
红花:No thank you ,we are good friends ,we never separate,bye bye !
黄蝴蝶:Yellow flower , yellow flower , can we hide here ?
黄花:Yellow butterfly come in ,red and blue butterfly go away .
黄花:No thank you ,we are good friends ,we never separate,bye bye !
蓝蝴蝶:Blue flower ,blue flower , can we hide here ?
蓝花:Bule butterfly come in ,yellow and red butterfly go away .
蓝花:No thank you ,we are good friends ,we never separate,bye bye !
五色花:Hei , come here , you can hide here.
合:Thank you !
太阳公公:Rain rain go away , rain rain go away,
合:Yeah , thank you grandpasun !
(合唱,花和蝴蝶一起唱歌跳舞)rain rain go away, come again other day ,little butterfly want to paly , rain rain go away 两遍 byebye !
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