英语教学活动名称:《S Sun》(王娟娟)
作者:王娟娟 来源: 上传时间:2005-09-22
Ⅰ.Kids can grasp the pronunciation the letter“S”and the word“Sun” by games. Know the meaning of the “Sun”.
Ⅱ.Kids can know the sentences: Go to sleep. Wake up.
Ⅲ.Kids can express freely in their daily life.
活动准备:Flash cards, models, CD.
“ Good morning (Good afternoon),everybody!”
“Good morning( Good afternoon), Melody!”
Warm up:
Before the class , lets move our body.
a、Review letters and words.
b、Vocabulary:S Sun
a、Pass the flash card.
b、Gold finger.
c、How many fingers, how many times.
d、High and low voice.
Sing a song:
《 Go to sleep》.
Follow up:
a、Show the book.
b、“Today go home,watch the VCD,listen to the tape and CD, to be a little Melody”!
关键词:英语教学活动S Sun
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